Should you use emojis on subject line?

Last update: July 29, 2024
Should you use emojis on subject line?

Emojis are everywhere: on social media, in messages with family and friends – everyone knows someone who communicates almost exclusively with emojis – and even in email subject lines, especially in promotional emails that flood our inboxes.

Advantages of Emojis in Subject Lines

Emojis stand out in the inbox. They immediately catch the eye with their colors, breaking the visual pattern of the email client and capturing the recipient’s attention. Personally, these are the first emails whose titles I read and, occasionally, open just to see the content.

Given that subject lines have limited space, using emojis can be a smart strategy. They allow you to convey emotions and adjust the tone of the message immediately when used appropriately. For example, 😍✈️ can indicate a love for travel succinctly and effectively.

Disadvantages of Emojis in Subject Lines

However, there are disadvantages. Depending on the target audience, using emojis can be considered unprofessional, especially in formal business communications, potentially harming and ridiculing the brand’s image. It’s crucial to analyze your audience and understand if this strategy makes sense.

Additionally, consider your own inbox. You likely remember companies that use too many emojis in their communications, making them annoying and seeming like spam. How does that make you feel? Excessive use of emojis can seem forced and unnecessary. The famous phrase “less is more” applies here: use only emojis that are relevant to the content and add value to the message.

How to Use Emojis Effectively

  1. Test and Evaluate: Conduct A/B tests with and without emojis in the subject lines to assess effectiveness. Analyze the open rates and see which approach yields better results.
  2. Know Your Audience: If you are unsure about your audience’s receptiveness to emojis, conduct research or test with a significant sample. Each audience is unique and may react differently.
  3. Be Moderate: Use emojis sparingly. One or two well-chosen emojis can be effective, but too many can be counterproductive.
  4. Relevance and Context: Ensure that the emojis are relevant to the email’s content and complement the message you want to convey.

Long story short

Using emojis in email subject lines can be an effective strategy to capture recipients’ attention and increase open rates, as long as it is done appropriately and thoughtfully. Knowing your audience, testing effectiveness, and ensuring relevance are crucial steps for the success of this approach. Ultimately, emojis should complement the message and not replace the valuable content of the email.

Written by

<a href="" target="_blank">Ricardo Freire</a>

Ricardo Freire

Email Designer & Developer